
Jul 8, 2009


Lost in the eerie, dead woods.


Kate said...

mmm very eerie... I tend to avoid places like that!!!

Geri Atric said...

Yes, I think I will too from now on. The branches tended to crack suddenly and send you jumping out of your skin and it was quite chilly. It wasn't hard to imagine yourself watched (wee folk?)... although there wasn't a singing bird or sign of other life anywhere..brrrrr!

Kate said...

I am always wary of places where birds don't sing!!

Geri Atric said...

Kate ~ Yes. And have you noticed too how they always go quiet just before a thunderstorm? And where have all the sparrows gone? (In the Neths. anyway, don't seem to be any left). Perhaps they accidently landed in these dark, dank Scottish woods....(shiver) on there way to Africa. No, hang on, just realized, that's the other way!